
AA Work with the Grapevine

Serving the provinces of New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island in Canada

A.A. Grapevine

The Grapevine is the international journal of Alcoholics Anonymous in print, digital, and audio. Written, edited, illustrated, and read by A.A. members and others interested in the A.A. program of recovery from alcoholism, Grapevine is a lifeline linking one alcoholic to another.

Often referred to as our "Meeting in Print", Grapevine communicates the experience, strength and hope of its contributors and reflects a broad geographic spectrum of current A.A. experience with recovery, unity, and service. Founded in 1944, Grapevine does not receive group contributions, but is supported entirely through magazine and web subscriptions sales as well as additional income derived from the sale of subscriptions and related items.

Many A.A. members enjoy Grapevine and will often buy gift subscriptions for sponsees or other members. Many groups get subscriptions for their group members to share. Groups, districts, and areas have Grapevine representatives. Grapevine depends on these reps to let the membership know about their products, from print and digital magazine to books and other products and applications on recovery from alcoholism.

More Information About A.A. Grapevine

There is a great deal of information about Grapevine work provided via their websit at

Get Involved in Grapevine Whetehre you are a newcomer to A.A. or a long-time subscriber, learn more about all the ways you can tak part!
Become A Grapevine Rep Grapevine Representatives are the link between AA Grapevine and the groups. It's a fun way to get involved! All you have to do is announce the latest issue at your meeting, let people know how they can participate by sending in stories, or jokes. It's easy to get started. Simply let your homegroup know that you are interested. Register with us online and you will receive a complete information kit from the Grapevine office.
Grapevine Resources Grapevine News files, Subscription forms, submissions resources, guidelines, postcards, and many other resources can be found here.
Submit A Story Upload your story or share your thoughts; upload an event to the calendar, submit a photo, receive daily inspiration quotes, or be a part of Grapevine's audio project.
A.A. Grapevine Podcast Each week, long-time members Don, Olis, and Sam will interview a different member about their experience, strngth, and hope in a casual "meeting after the meeting" manner. Special features will enhance each episode.
Grapevine YouTube Channel Subscribe to the Grapevine's YouTube channel

Information For AA Members in Grapevine Service

Grapevine gives some insights about how to carry the Grapevine message to the membership. Information is provided by A.A. Grapevine via their website

The Grapevine Workbook A Resource for Grapevine Reps and Others in Service
Grapevine Representative Handbook Guidelines becoming a Grapevine Representative
Contributing to Grapevine Guidelines for contributing to Grapvine