
For Professionals Supporting Alcoholics

Serving the provinces of New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island in Canada

Information for Professionals Supporting Alcoholics

A.A. is considered by many professionals to be a valuable resource for alcoholics who want help. When there is a good working relationship between A.A. members in the community and professionals who will see alcoholics in a professional capacity, the sick alcoholic is the winner - he or she gets the help they need from both. The professional can reach out to suffereing alcoholics - by education, counseling, and rehabilitative treatment - and can also be of aid through making the community aware of the millions still suffering from the progressive illness of alcoholism.


The Area 81 Cooperating with the Professional Community (CPC) Committee works with the District CPC Committees to meet with doctors, lawyers, clergy and others who will see alcoholics in a professional capacity and can refer them to AA.

Cooperating with nonalcoholic professionals is an effective way to carry the message to the sick alcoholic. Such people often meet the alcoholic in places where A.A. is not present. Through professionals, alcoholics may be reached who might otherwise never find the program, or they may be reached sooner with the help of informed non A.A.'s.

There is also more specific Information available for Treatment Centers and Corrections.

How to Get In Touch with AA

You can reach AA by phone or email. Contact info is listed on the Contact Us page.

Resources for Professionals Supporting Alcoholics

There is a great deal of information about CPC work provided by AA World Services via their site at

A.A. Video for Legal and Corrections Professionals Video: Three legal and corrections professionals describe the benefits of A.A. for clients and inmates, and how it can also serve as a vital resource for those in their field.
A.A. Video for Employment/Human Resources Professionals Video: Three helping professionals describe how A.A. can benefit employees and also serve as a vital resource for those in the employment/HR/EAP field.
A.A. Video for Healthcare Professionals Video: Three medical professionals describe how A.A. can help patients and also serve as a vital resource for those in the healthcare field.
A.A. at a Glance Ten facts about A.A.
A Brief Guide to Alcoholics Anonymous A brief introduction to A.A.
A.A. Member - Medications and Other Drugs Report from a group of doctors in Alcoholics Anonymous. A.A. members share their experience with medications and other drugs.
Problems Other Than Alcohol Bill's thoughts on the status of drug addicts within A.A.
Frequently Asked Questions About A.A. - (Formerly 44 Questions) Answers the questions most frequently asked about A.A. by alcoholics seeking help, as well as by their families and friends.
A.A. as a Resource for the Health Care Professional Information about the Fellowship and describes some approaches that health care professionals use in referring problem drinkers to A.A.
A.A. as a Resource For Drug & Alcohol Court Professionals How A.A. can be a resource. What A.A. does. What A.A. does not do.
How A.A. Members Cooperate With Professionals Answers specific queries on working within A.A. Traditions.
If You Are a Professional... Information for professionals of all types who deal with alcoholics; explains how A.A.s and non-A.A.s can work together
Information on Alcoholics Anonymous Basic information about A.A. meetings
Member's-Eye View of Alcoholics Anonymous Explains the A.A. program to social workers, counselors, physicians, and others in the alcoholism field.
Members of the Clergy Ask About Alcoholics Anonymous Introduction to A.A. for members of the clergy unfamiliar with the Fellowship
Message to Corrections Professionals Information about what A.A. is and can do and how groups function in a correctional facility.
Is There a Problem Drinker in the Workplace? Gives a concise description of the help A.A. can offer to the alcoholic employee
Bridging the Gap Between Treatment and A.A. Through Contact Programs A program to help alcoholics transition from treatment to life on the outside.
A.A. Temporary Contact/Bridging the Gap Request Requesting a temporary A.A. contact upon your release from treament or prison
A.A. Fact Sheet Public information about A.A.
Where Do I Go From Here? We alcoholics stick together to overcome the disease of alcoholism.

Information For AA Members in CPC Service

A.A.'s collective experience gives us some insights about how to carry out CPC Service. More information is provided by AA World Services via their site at

Cooperation with the Professional Community Guidelines for cooperating with the health care professionals, lawyers, clergy and other professionals
Cooperation with the Professional Community Workbook Workbook for cooperating with the health care professionals, lawyers, clergy and other professionals
Let's Be Friendly With Our Friends Bill explains the importance of cooperating with doctors, social workers, etc.
Speaking at Non-A.A. Meetings Suggests what to say and how to say it when asked to speak to organizations outside the Fellowship of A.A.